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blog:personal_diy_rollerdoor [2021/01/04 09:09] johnblog:personal_diy_rollerdoor [2021/01/04 09:12] john
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 ====== Insulating Garage Door ======= ====== Insulating Garage Door =======
 +As part of getting the new garage door installed in 2020, we had various options for the spec of the installation; colour, remote control etc. There was also a £700 option to have the motor mechanism enclosed. We opted not to go for that one as it seemed rather expensive for a purely cosmetic choice...
 {{:blog:img20201219193952.jpg?400|}} {{:blog:img20201219193952.jpg?400|}}
 +... however, the particular features of our installation meant that after the roller door was installed, there was a significant gap between the top of the roller and the garage brickwork, and this was letting quite a draft in. Fortunately I had load of hardboard panels left from lining the garage loft roof and made up something that was approximately the same as the £700 motor enclosure option:
 {{:blog:img20210102154105.jpg?300|}} {{:blog:img20210102154906.jpg?300|}} {{:blog:img20210102154105.jpg?300|}} {{:blog:img20210102154906.jpg?300|}}
  • blog/personal_diy_rollerdoor.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/01/04 09:15
  • by john