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X68000 Game Launcher - #3: Bitmap loader

The header includes these common files:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "bmp.h"

The header bmp.h defines bitmap data structures and a function prototypes for the bitmap library:

#include <stdint.h>
#define BMP_FILE_SIG_OFFSET	0x0000 // Should always be 'BM'
#define BMP_FILE_SIZE_OFFSET	0x0002 // Size of file, including headers
#define DATA_OFFSET_OFFSET 	0x000A // How many bytes from 0x0000 the data section starts
#define WIDTH_OFFSET 		0x0012 // Where we can find the x-axis pixel size
#define HEIGHT_OFFSET 		0x0016 // Where we can find the y-axis pixel size
#define BITS_PER_PIXEL_OFFSET	0x001C // Where we can find the bits-per-pixel number
#define COMPRESS_OFFSET		0x001E // Where we can find the compression flag
#define COLOUR_NUM_OFFSET	0x002E // Where we can find the numbers of colours used in the image
#define COLOUR_PRI_OFFSET	0x0032 // Where we can find the number of the 'important' colour ???
#define PALETTE_OFFSET		0x0036 // Where the colour palette starts, for <=8bpp images.
#define HEADER_SIZE 		14
#define INFO_HEADER_SIZE 	40
#define BMP_1BPP		1
#define BMP_8BPP		8	
#define BMP_16BPP		16
#define BMP_VERBOSE		0 // Enable BMP specific debug/verbose output
#define BMP_OK			0 // BMP loaded and decode okay
#define BMP_ERR_NOFILE		-1 // Cannot find file
#define BMP_ERR_SIZE		-2 // Height/Width outside bounds
#define BMP_ERR_MEM		-3 // Unable to allocate memory
#define BMP_ERR_BPP		-4 // Unsupported colour depth/BPP
#define BMP_ERR_READ		-5 // Error reading or seeking within file
#define BMP_ERR_COMPRESSED	-6 // We dont support comrpessed BMP files
#define BMP_ERR_FONT_WIDTH	-7 // We dont support fonts of this width
#define BMP_ERR_FONT_HEIGHT	-8 // We dont support fonts of this height
#define BMP_FONT_PLANES		4 // Number of colour planes per pixel
// ============================
// BMP image data structure
// ============================
typedef struct bmpdata {
	unsigned int 	width;		// X resolution in pixels
	unsigned int 	height;		// Y resolution in pixels
	char		compressed;     // If the data is compressed or not (usually RLE)
	uint16_t 	bpp;		// Bits per pixel
	uint16_t 	bytespp;	// Bytes per pixel
	uint32_t 	offset;		// Offset from header to data section, in bytes
	unsigned int 	row_padded;	// Size of a row without padding
	unsigned int 	row_unpadded;	// SIze of a row, padded to a multiple of 4 bytes
	unsigned int 	size;		// Size of the pixel data, in bytes
	unsigned int	n_pixels;	// Number of pixels
	uint8_t 	*pixels;	// Pointer to raw pixels - in font mode each byte is a single character
} __attribute__((__packed__)) __attribute__((aligned (2))) bmpdata_t;
// ============================
// BMP state structure
// ============================
typedef struct bmpstate {
	unsigned int	width_bytes;
	unsigned int	rows_remaining;	// Total number of rows left to be read
	uint8_t		*pixels;	// Needs to be malloc'ed to the width of a single row of pixels
} __attribute__((__packed__)) __attribute__((aligned (2))) bmpstate_t;
// ============================
// Font data structure
// 96 characters, 
// each character is 1 byte wide, and up to 16 (max) rows high 
// each row is 4 planes
// total of 6144 bytes per 96 character font
typedef struct fontdata {
	uint8_t	width;		// Width of each character, in pixels
	uint8_t	height;		// Height of each character, in pixels
	uint8_t	ascii_start;	// ASCII number of symbol 0
	uint8_t	n_symbols;	// Total number of symbols
	uint8_t	unknown_symbol;	// Which symbol do we map to unknown/missing symbols?
	uint8_t symbol[96][BMP_FONT_MAX_HEIGHT][BMP_FONT_PLANES]; 
} __attribute__((__packed__)) __attribute__((aligned (2))) fontdata_t;
void	bmp_Destroy(bmpdata_t *bmpdata);
void	bmp_DestroyFont(fontdata_t *fontdata);
int 	bmp_ReadFont(FILE *bmp_image, bmpdata_t *bmpdata, fontdata_t *fontdata, uint8_t header, uint8_t data, uint8_t font_width, uint8_t font_height);
int 	bmp_ReadImage(FILE *bmp_image, bmpdata_t *bmpdata, uint8_t header, uint8_t data);
int 	bmp_ReadImageHeader(FILE *bmp_image, bmpdata_t *bmpdata);
int 	bmp_ReadImageData(FILE *bmp_image, bmpdata_t *bmpdata);

The bitmap library has a single function, bmp_ReadImage(), that is called in several different ways to parse BMP headers and subsequently read pixel data.

The reason the function is called in two passes is to ensure that when the header data is retrieved the image does not exceeded any specific size:

  • Open file
  • Read BMP header
  • Check BMP is correct pixel depth and size
  • Read pixel data
FILE *f;
int status;
f = fopen("bitmap.bmp", "rb");
if (f == NULL){
	return -1;	
bmp = (bmpdata_t *) malloc(sizeof(bmpdata_t));
bmp->pixels = NULL;
status = bmp_ReadImage(f, bmp, 1, 0);
if (status != 0){
	return -1;
  • blog/x68_launcher_3.1599474594.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/09/07 11:29
  • by john