
  • Manufacturer: Hasegawa
  • Part number: Hasegawa Macross Plus kit #22 / 65722
  • Year of production: 2011
  • Macross in-universe model number: VF-11B Thunderbolt Variable Fighter
  • Scale: 1/100
  • Series: Macross Plus
  • Kit type: Fixed-pose traditional aircraft model.
  • In-universe role: Standard use multipurpose variable mode fighter (fighter form)
  • Build date: September 2022

  • Mr Hobby snips
  • Badger ultimate sanding sticks
  • Tamiya extra thin cement

Much more traditional aircraft style kit, with none of the gimmicks of later designs. This dates from the early 2000's, I believe, and it's an example of a nice, simple, well designed aircraft model from Hasegawa. Parts count is not especially high, and the fit of all the parts is quite nice.

A refreshing build without all of the extra complexity of something like a Gundam, or one of the transforming Macross kits.

Box artwork and contents

Very nice waterslide decals

Typical Hasegawa instruction sheet

[Update: September 2022] - Started building this kit. It's a relatively small number of parts compared to some later Macross designs, and a nice, straight-forward aircraft style build with those clear instructions from Hasegawa.

The build process for this one is intended to allow me to build up the various sub-components to a point where they can be primed and painted in their flat colour, then assembled. There are a few parts, like the wings, engine intakes, that you can't paint properly once they are glued in place, so they need to be nearly finished before they are fixed in their final position.

For the colour scheme I am going to try and mainly stick to the box art so that I can use the lovely waterslide decals, but likely with less beige in the grey, as I don't want as quite an orange tint to it.

Most of the sub-units are built. Engine/legs and engine intake nacelles:

Main fuselage and nose/cockpit:

Wings, gunpod and pilot:

Front and rear landing gear:

  • blog/models_macross_vf11b.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/10/04 10:09
  • by john